This section is intended to provide a Library of specifications from other groups. These specifications are maintained by these other groups and are not necessarily reviewed or require approval of the NMRA Board of Directors. However, the NMRA has recognized these groups and specifications to be worthy of providing to NMRA membership.
CMRI, Computer Model Railroad Interface by Dr. Bruce Chubb, MMR
The Free-Mo organization,, is composed of over 50 local groups throughout United States and Canada. This group maintains their own standards and recommended practices that are published on their website. Please follow the link above for more information.
Free-moN, see, is composed of local groups throughout United States and Canada. This group maintains their own standards and recommended practices that are published on their website. Please follow the link above for more information.
Through a joint effort the LCCA and Lionel L.L.C. created the first nationally recognized O-Gauge Modular Railroad Standard in 2012. Since that time many local organizations have adopted the FasTrack Modular Railroad standard, creating highly detailed, kid friendly, and interactive railroads. The standard provides enough flexibility that large conventional or wirelessly controlled railroads can be created in oval, dog-bone, E, F, H, T, V, U, or W shapes with ease.
The LCCA maintains a series of recommended practices on their own website.
Lionel Fastrack Modular Railroad Specification Manual
MRR Coordinator's Email: "expert (at)"
MERG (Model Electronic Railway Group) is an international, UK based society promoting interest in the application of electronics & computers to all aspects of railway modelling.
Founded in 1967, MERG's aim is to actively promote and advance the use of electronic and computer technology for model railway operation, which is ideally suited to take advantage of these technologies, and the application of electronics and computers can be used to good effect to add enhanced features and realism to model railway operation.
MERG has a significant DIY (Do It Yourself) selecion of electronic kits for modelers.
MERG's website can be found at
MOROP is a European association that federates national associations of railroad and model railroad enthusiasts. MOROP was founded in Genoa, Italy by Italo Briano in 1954, and now has its headquarters in Bern, Switzerland.
The European umbrella organization MOROP consist today of 21 national organizations with more than 30.000 members in 16 European countries.
MOROP has developed DCC Standards called NEM's and attempst to maintain harmony with NMRA DCC Standards.
MOROP's website can be found at
RailCommunity is a European Organization comprised of manufacturers of DCC Products. RailCommunity has been developing DCC Standards for DCC called RCN's. They are members of the NMRA DCC Working Group. There remains ongoing effort to ensure the Standards from both organizations maintain harmony.
RailCommunity's website can be found at They use German for their documents and communications. Google Translate can be used to read their documents in English.
T-TRAK is a modular model railroad system based on standards for module size, track placement, track interface, and electrical connections. The standards allow for a wide range of flexibility in design yet still maintain interoperability with all modules built per the standards. The popularity of T-TRAK is worldwide allowing for modules from all over the world to connect together.
T-TRAK modules are dioramas with sectional track, specifically Kato Unitrack, that snap together to create layouts from a simple circle to large complex layouts. The modules are designed to fit on tables. Layouts are easy to assemble and disassemble. The convenient size of the modules make them easy to store on a shelf or in totes when not in use, or to transport.
Link to T-TRAK at