Membership Benefits

Direct Individual Member Benefits

  • Access to coaching and support by Master Model Railroaders® (MMR)
    NMRA assists other members whenever possible, whether or not the individual requesting assistance is a participant in the Achievement Program.
  • Achievement Program (AP)
    Push your skills to new levels while earning recognition for your efforts in the Achievement Program.
  • Annual NMRA Calendar
    Features twelve of the best of the best model railroad photographs annually in a fund raiser to members in the USA.
  • Beginner's Guide
    Learn the basics of trackwork, wiring, scenery, and more in this online guide.
  • Collection Insurance
    Group property insurance for collections, layouts, live steam, tools, slides and photographs, books, magazines, railroad memorabilia, and more.
  • Fellowship with other model railroaders through virtual and face-to-face connections
    NMRA members are automatically assigned to a geographically close Division where they'll be able to participate in regularly scheduled in-person and virtual events.
  • Local Division Events
    More than 150 Divisions across the organization regularly provide events close to individual modelers, including clinics, presentations, and layout visits.
  • Members Only Company Store
    NMRA logo-wear and other products including members-only pricing on NMRA standards gauges in the online store.
  • Model and Photography Contest Participation (local Division meets, Region and National)
    Participate in the celebration of models, photos, and crafts at Regional and National Conventions as well as many Divisional Meets.
  • National Conventions
    Held in a different location in the US every year, the National Convention is a week-long event featuring multiple model railroad layout tours, operating sessions, prototype tours, hands-on clinics, and presentations.
  • Model Railroad Directory
    Contact NMRA members in the Model Railroad Directory for a layout tour, to talk trains, or to participate in an operating session.
  • Modeling With The Masters® (MWTM)
    Get coaching in hands-on learning experiences led by Master Model Railroaders® in MWTM.
  • NMRA eBulletin
    A monthly email newsletter with the latest updates and news direct from the NMRA.
  • NMRA Turntable
    A monthly curated email newsletter with some of the most interesting model railroad websites, videos, blogs, and articles on the web.
  • NMRA Magazine - monthly print and online/digital
    Print and online/digital monthly publication featuring news about the organization and its Regions and Divisions, along with modeling articles, product conformance reviews, and other information.
  • NMRA Interchange
    Connect electronically with NMRA members around the world to ask questions, provide answers, post events, share ideas, and make friends in the NMRA Interchange.
  • NMRA Member's Aid Program
    Ask a question, any question, about the NMRA or about model railroading – and get an answer!
  • NMRA Online Archives
    Scans of more than 10,000 photographs, slides, plans, drawings, paint schemes, and more available for download at a discount to members in the online archives.
  • NMRA Standards Gauges, Track Templates, and Decals
    Purchase Standards Gauges at significant price reductions over retail prices. Track templates and decals also available in the Company Store.
  • NMRAx – The NMRA's Monthly Virtual Meetup
    The NMRA's Monthly Virtual Meetup of model railroad presentations broadcast over YouTube Live. NMRAx provides an opportunity for attendees to directly interact with the presenters.
  • Online Video Library
    Dozens of professionally produced “how-to” videos as well as more than 150 National Convention clinic videos.
  • Partnership Program
    Receive discounts on model railroad products and services from free shipping to 40% off all purchases.
  • Regional Conventions
    Held regionally, these are three to four day events, featuring multiple model railroad layout tours, operating sessions, prototype tours, hands-on clinics, and presentations.
  • Special Access to Places and People
    Visit and tour prototype locations and model railroads rarely open to the public.
  • Standards and Conformance
    Be a part of the organization that sets the standards for and verifies the conformance of model railroad products and technologies.

Indirect Member Benefits applicable to Clubs & Divisions

  • Division Matching Funds
    NMRA Divisions can request reimbursement of up to $200 per year for retention events.
  • Liability Insurance for Clubs in the USA and Canada
    $1 million liability insurance is available to model railroad clubs in which every member is an NMRA member.
  • Liability Insurance for Meets and Shows in U.S. and Canada
    Insurance liability coverage for all Region-, Division-, and NMRA SIG-sponsored events up to the specific limit provided for in the policy. Standard coverage is $1 million; higher limits available for extra fees.