Prior Positions

Self-employed for over thirty years, Pete holds an MBA and has Board level and Officer experience in both for-profit and non-profit organizations. He has owned a hobby shop for over twenty years and has developed an excellent working relationship with many of the manufacturers and distributors who support the hobby and the NMRA. He models roads North of Boston, circa 1954, in HO and the Maine two-footers, circa 1912, in HOn30.
Pete is a member of the LDSIG and OPSIG, as well as a number of rail-related historical societies. He earned his MMR in 2007 and has been a clinician and contest judge at National and Region conventions. He has been actively promoting the hobby for over forty years. He values the camaraderie and educational opportunities the NMRA offers and is grateful for the benefits of the standards the NMRA has brought to the hobby.